The two main pillars of BFASE


The BFASE Project will have two main operative structures:



BFASE.ORG will be a non profit organization with the mission to spread around all the humanitarian knowledge and goals as Ecofinance, Biodiversity, Integral Creativity, Cooperation and Syntropy, etc. The main activities of BFASE.ORG will be planning and guiding the Project, the managerial formation of the people that will co-create the Project, organizing and spreading events on the main activity of the Project, supporting the Project with conferences, studies and analysis.

BFASE.COM will be a company with the mission to help to realize, to manage and to support the growth of the SRIs that BFASE will promote. This company will provide services as commercial, organization, finance, consulting, managing and goods or any other needs to the SRIs.

The entrepreneurs of the SRIs of the Project will be supported by BFASE.COM to be focused on their activities, goals and mission and will be sustained by a full panel of professionals motivated to cooperate under the ethics based on the BFASE guidelines.


Foundations, Non-profit Organizations will underwrite the equity and will participate in the direction of the organization  of  BFASE.ORG.

BFASE.ORG will have a steering committee that will be composed of leading international figures in interdisciplinary fields who have acquired positive beliefs and visions towards sustainable development and can be the considered as a “Committee of the Wise” that will provide a medium-long term vision for the activities of  BFASE and the projects.

BFASE.ORG will use the funds collected to develop a Headquarter - Center For Creativity (CFC) and to subscribe part of the equity of BFASE - Private Equity Fund. The indication of the Committee will be used by the BFASE Private Equity Fund as guidelines for developing and researching investments in the SRIs. BFASE.ORG will execute the role of Sponsor, Leadership and Direction for the BFASE- Private Equity Fund, underwriting a significant proportion of the start-up capital.

Center For Creativity: The CFC will be the headquarter of BFASE.ORG. It will be a center for Interdisciplinary Study and for the Cultivation and Development of Creativity. It will be situated in a natural setting and will be designed with the most advanced technologies in terms of sacred architecture, sustainability, and Feng Shui. It will host events, conferences and courses that encourage learning and training and the cultivation and enhancement of creativity. The CFC organizes events and conferences and will be the meeting place for the “Committee of the Wise”. It will be used as a formation center for the managers of the SRIs.


BFASE- Private Equity Fund


BFASE - Private Equity Fund (PEF): this Ethical Fund will invest in shares taking majority or minority participation in the SRIs Companies. The PEF will have a target of an average Return Of the Investment  in the medium-long run that should be limited and reasonable. The advantage of these investments are the low risk and that these SRIs will be the future companies leading the way for the next economy. It will invest in projects that can grow over time and create stable incomes in an environmentally responsible manner. The PEF would potentially could be participated also by private, also through crowdfunding.

The operative separation between BFASE.ORG and the BFASE-Private Equity Fund will maintain separate the Creative and Ethical orientation of BFASE from the economic and financial interests of the PEF, maintaining, regardless, a relationship of cooperation and co-dependency.




This will be the Economic and Commercial entity of BFASE.

The Promoters will primarily be constituted by a network of specialists that will provide outsourcing services to the SRIs allowing the management of SRIs to be focused on their core business. This will also allow for a significant savings in terms of common structures such as Legal, Advertising, Finance, Accounting, HR and IT.  Also the Promoters will be highly skilled and in agreement with the Ethical Paradigms of BFASE; this will allow that all the work will be done in completely transparent agreement with the SRIs. The exchange between the SRIs and BFASE.COM will be primarily based on credits, and goods and services but also with payments when is needed.