Purpose of Project

To promote the new culture for Ethical Finance for a Sustainable Development of the Industry and to invest through a Private Equity Fund (PEF) in entrepreneurial activities rated as Social Responsible Investment (SRI) that support Life and Environment in a equitable and sustainable manner while meeting the needs of their customers and workers.


BFASE Paradigms and guidelines


These following BFASE Paradigms are a few of the conceptual foundations of this Project and are in tune with the new vision of economic organization related to the shift of consciousness that is happening to Life on Earth. These new paradigms are some of the guideline drivers of the economic aspect of BFASE. The few rules will be coherent with these guidelines.

BFASE is founded upon transparency: open and honest communication and redistribution of wealth.

Unity: we all are One. We live on one planet and we are all part of a big unity. We are all breathing the same air, drinking the same water and eating the same food. We all have to take care of all the living beings parts of this Holy Earth as we need to take care of all the parts of our body if we want live an healthy, happy and long life. The concepts of exploitation, slavery, control and  manipulation for personal goals is not in line with the view of Unity.

Cooperation: the cooperative mind is the Natural expression of healthy living beings for contributing to the full flourishing of Life. This is how Life creates and prospers under the Natural Laws. The majority of human beings are now trained to set a limited view on Nature in their minds. We all are raised in the paradigm of competition.  The competition paradigm is the main mind set of the last few millennium that has been promoted as part of the law of the nature. We have grown with the teaching that the strong are entitled to win the battle without the consideration if they are wiser or not. Today the competition paradigm allows a small minority group of people with no ethics, no humanitarian goals to control the majority of Life and resources on earth  (human, animals, plants, environment, resources, climate, information etc). Competition and deception are at the source of all the distortion infiltrated into the mind of humanity that has brought us  today at this “modern” and “technologic” way of life that is blocking us to an unhappy and self-destruction situation.

Diversity: is the culture of full respect, diversity as the form of enjoying life and creating beauty. Diversity as opposite to uniformity and massification where there is no place for the innovative spirit. We live in a world of mass media in which we are considered not for what we really are, but as part of a category or group. Consumers, debtors, citizen, warriors, doctors, etc. Protocol, laws and rules are so numerous and so crazy today that freedom is becoming just a word with no meaning.

Abundance: there is more than enough for everybody. In the moment that we understand this and we start to act under this understanding, a new era will begin. There will be no more sense to fight against each other, we will cooperate with joy, we will understand that there is so much for everybody and that scarcity doesn’t really exist. The actual situation of crisis and scarcity is generated by the negative mind set expressed in destruction of the physical, moral and spiritual values. Weapon, war, pollution, violence, destruction  and depletion are the direct consequences of the scarcity fears. Violence against environment, animal and humans is returned to us as us pollution, sickness, unhappiness, fears and ignorance. What we insert in our environment we will receive back in our soul-mind-body. We are under threats of murder, destruction, robbery, injustice. We co-create our sickness and madness as consequences of beliefs related to our vision and mind set based on our paradigms of which scarcity is one of the most dangerous.

WE are still living accordingly to the outdated and no more useful paradigm (Newton, Cartesio, Darwin) coming from the past centuries and today totally discounted by the knowledge that we have at our disposal. BFASE will invest a lot of resources to spread out and share the possibility to shift from these old ways of thinking inculcated by the media and educational system to the maturation of a personal truth opened and aligned to the new paradigms.

Many of us are involved in path of spiritual practice but just few of us are working to promote the Shift in our working environment. Sometimes we see these two part of our life separated and not in tune in each other: BFASE is an organization that will harmonize this duality.

BFASE will be a promoter of the new Paradigms and will work to organize people that cultivate this new vision to develop projects that will allows economic activities to become realities in which work and life will be integrated with this new cooperative way of life.

In the present economic understanding, finance is a prominent part of deception. BFASE will be promote “Biofinance”, an Ethical Finance view that can be a tool for economic projects.

Today the economy is under the control of the financial system that “prints” the money. We use money to exchange goods and services between us. Money has no intrinsic value but is just a measurement of a means to exchange. We have been so deeply confused that in our mind money occupy the first value in our economic perception. Many times ever famous economists have not deeply understood the difference between economics and finance. We need to reverse this and understand that we don’t work for money and for the financial system - banks -  but the financial system must work for us and for the economy. Today we have a huge amount of people that work in banks, that control humanity through debt. All the money is backed by debts. The owners of this money are the Central Banks that print money for the benefit of the banks that land it to the people. Governments have dismissed their  rights to print money for the benefit of the people. 

Today the world is on the threshold of a world finance bubble crisis, as the finance has taken all the control and money is in the first place in the mind of the humans. The finance has taken the first place that should be occupied by the economy. Today we have seen our national Central Banks gathering in a ECB that would like to join in a World Bank, profoundly controlling the politicians of governments not for the good of the people but for the interest of few Bankers and Financial Groups or Corporations. This system is deeply polluted by greed as the emotional base vibration of the finance is the motto - I WANT MORE MONEY. So we have forgotten how money is created and how it should be used.

We need to rearrange our freedom to organize ourselves in a way in which money will represent our ability to produce services and good for the peoples. This new use of money will be an expression of gratitude to allow people to create their dreams to fullfill the good for everybody and for the next generations to have their right to thrive.


The Biofinance paradigm of BFASE will promote credits  to construct all the economic activities of this Project. BFASE will not work for money, money will be fully used for the goals of BFASE. We work for the pleasure to work and the money will be just a means to allow accounting and exchange of goods and services between people  with no interest to accumulate it. In the future no one will be judged based on much money he/she has on a computer screen but will be respected for his/her good ability to support, contribute and share kindness, knowledge and love.

This will promote a growth and a Shift in the consciousness of the peoples involved in BFASE and the work will be an harmonic part of the spiritual life, of the process of learning, growing and participating to the local community in a joyful and fulfilling way. Everybody will be involved, the goal is to allow everyone to participate and not to leave anyone out or excluded. WE ALL ARE IMPORTANT.  100%  employment rate is the goal.